Lift Up Your Heads!

I love spring flowers: the vibrancy of the different colours after the bleakness of winter, the perkiness of daffodils and tulips in particular. Tulips have a tendency to droop, however, and I’ve discovered this is because they need a lot of water. Florists...

Embrace Perseverance

Perseverance is defined as ‘persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.’ It’s always been an unfashionable quality, for we are impatient people who prefer things to be accomplished quickly and with little to no effort. When my son...

Sunday services 5th April 2020

Here are the links for the services on Palm Sunday (5th April 2020): Morning service (Holy Communion) @ 10.30 a.m. Meeting ID: 111 518 849 Evening service (Little Big Church) @ 6.00 p.m. Meeting ID: 451 293 083...

Take Back The Streets #2

When we launched our ‘Take Back The Streets’ prayer initiative in March, we never imagined that just weeks later the whole country would be in lockdown and our hour of exercise a day would be such a precious gift. We never imagined that we wouldn’t...

Embrace Compassion

Compassion comes from two words, meaning ‘suffering with’. Compassionate people have a concern for others which is both sensitive and caring. God describes himself as compassionate on many occasions (see Ex 34:6, 2 Kings 13:23, Neh 9:17, Ps 86:5) and because of this,...