Avoiding the Blame Game

Stephen spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court from John 9:1-3. Here, we find Jesus encountering (and ultimately healing) a man blind from birth, and the questions asked about his blindness still reverberate in our society. When something bad happens, the tendency is...

Everyday Obedience

It’s easy to be as dazzled by the enormity and power of God when we read of Saul’s conversion as Saul was dazzled by the light from heaven. However, tucked away in this miraculous conversion story is a tale of everyday obedience which had remarkable consequences. This...

Telling Your Story

In the book of Acts, the story of Paul’s conversion is actually told 3 times: once in Acts 9 and twice more in Paul’s speeches defending accusations against himself (see Acts 22:3-16 & Acts 26:4-16). The fact that this story is told three times shows its...

Encountering Jesus

When I was at university, the Christian Union ran a series of meetings entitled ‘Mine Was No Road To Damascus.’ In these meetings, students and staff members gave their testimonies, talking about how they had become Christians. Some, who had been brought up in...


Conversion is the word used to describe a change, especially referring to religious beliefs. Its roots go back to the idea of ‘turning about’, and the conversion of Paul the apostle (described in Acts 9:1-19 and later in Acts 22:3-16 and Acts 26:4-16) is perhaps the...