The Unsung Heroes

When I get a new CD, the first thing I do is to turn to the lyrics booklet and read the artist’s thanks. When I get a book, the first thing I do is read the ‘acknowledgments’. I want to know who’s behind the person, who’s the team that...

What Are You Sowing?

It’s a fact of life in the natural world that we reap what we sow. If we plant apple trees, apple trees will grow – they won’t magically morph into banana trees. This is so obvious we take it for granted, and in the same way in the spiritual world,...

Re-Arranged Priorities

At Beersheba, Isaac’s priorities are changed. His encounter with God (Gen 26:24-25) has a lasting impact on him, as he responds by building an altar there and calling on God’s name. Previously, he has stayed wherever he dug a well, found sufficient water and was...

Opposition & Envy

Isaac discovered that opposition and envy were obstacles to his growth, and even the wells his servants dug which had fresh water did not lead to a trouble-free life: Esek and Sitnah were wells which simply brought fresh disputes with them. (Esek means ‘dispute’ and...

Blocked-Up Wells

In our series ‘The Wells of Salvation’ we looked at four wells Isaac encountered in Genesis 26:12-33. These were Esek, Sitnah, Rehoboth and Beersheba, and each one can teach us something useful for our own spiritual pilgrimage. Isaac is seen here...