God Makes Clean

Many people like to give their houses a good clean before putting up Christmas trees and Christmas decorations. The rituals associated with decorating our houses for Christmas go back many years and vary from family to family, but often, these are accompanied by the...

God Delivers

At Christmas-time, the Royal Mail in the UK delivers many cards and parcels, and they are simply one of the many companies working to get presents from A to B! It can be a frustrating time, waiting for deliveries (I am rarely home and so it is often a logistical...

God Rescues

There were some heart-warming stories of the emergency services rescuing people from the floods which happened in our area in November. When disasters happen – be they fires, floods or sudden illness – we are very grateful for all who work to save and rescue, often...

The Blessing of Forgiveness

In Jesus, we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins (Col 1:14). One of the greatest blessings we can ever have is to know that there is no condemnation now for us because we have been forgiven, cleansed and set right with God. So often, we are aware of our failings,...