Buying God’s Favour

No one could accuse Luke of glossing over confusing and unappealing parts of the story! We have already seen how Ananias’ and Sapphira’s actions led to judgment and death (Acts 5:1-12), and now we have the story of Simon the Sorcerer, whose name gives us the word...

Sharing The Good News

What is so remarkable about Acts 8:4-16 is the fact that Philip and others shared the good news so enthusiastically with the Samaritans. The Samaritans and Jews had a long history of enmity. We know from John 4:9 that Jews and Samaritans did not associate with each...

Proclaiming the Good News

As we approach Christmas-time, proclamation becomes a popular word in the Christian vocabulary. To proclaim means to announce officially or publicly and we often think of this word in connection to the angelic hosts who brought people the first news of the birth of...

Paying Attention

“Are you paying attention? Then I’ll begin…” This paraphrase of the start to ‘Listen With Mother’ (a radio programme for children which ran from 1950 until 1982 which started “Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…”) reminds us that paying attention is...

God Can Do What He Promises

God’s promises sometimes take a long time to be fulfilled. Most of us find even the waiting days of Advent tedious and difficult; waiting is not something we find easy at any age. But Christmas reminds us that God remembers His promises and also that He has the power...