Updates From Abroad

We are privileged at our church to support three children: Innocent in Uganda (through the Watoto programme), Bedline in Haiti (through the Compassion programme) and Amshika in India, a severely disabled young girl we met in 2017 through the tailoring programme....

Sabbath Rest

It’s interesting to note the pattern of life as recorded in Genesis 1 puts trusting sleep before toiling work (‘There was evening and there was morning – the first day.’ (Gen 1:5)) We think of sleep as coming at the end of hard work, but God...

The Sleep of Faith

A good night’s sleep is a great blessing, something many of us forget or take for granted. Those who struggle to sleep – because of illness, insomnia or the broken sleep parents face with a new baby – know how wearying life seems and how difficult it...

Further Musings on Toxicity

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be lethal because it is undetectable to the ordinary human. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas which attaches itself to the haemoglobin in the body which usually carry oxygen to cells. Carboxyhaemoglobin is...