Lifelong Learning

Yan Hadley spoke tonight on Psalm 121 on the subject of standing firm when life is sinking fast. Our society seems to be sinking in many ways – morally, spiritually, politically and socially, and as individuals, we often feel as though we are sinking when...

You Have Reached Your Destination!

Garry spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court about SatNavs and directions… Sometimes a SatNav can be really useful, negotiating you through different routes (especially if a familiar route is blocked because of an accident), but sometimes it can’t be...

Pray for us…!

Paul urged the Ephesians to pray for him to be able to declare God’s word fearlessly (Eph 6:18-20) and we all need to pray for those in authority and leadership over us (see 1 Tim 2:1-2). Many of you will have heard about the Ashers’ court case this week,...

Who, When, Where, Why, How…?

These are the key questions we often ask when thinking about any situation, and it’s no difference when it comes to praising God! Who should praise God? Ps 148 in particular talks of all creation praising God (Ps 148:3-4, 7-10). Hallelujahs are ‘spoken’ by the wind...