Stand Firm

Watching a child learn to walk is an exercise in fear! The little one learns to pull himself upright and is desperate to move forward, but before that can happen, he must learn to stand still without holding on to props. Paul says that we need to put on the full...

Whose Strength?

In our ‘Churches Together’ prayer meeting today, we looked at Ephesians 6:10-20, a passage which reminds us that the Christian life involves spiritual warfare. If we want to see real change in our communities, we must be prepared to pray in the Spirit on all occasions...

Give Praise A Go!

To sing praise to God when we see His deliverance is easy. It’s a natural response to the exuberance and exhilaration we feel when we see His miraculous hand at work in our lives, as Moses and the Israelites demonstrated when they saw the Red Sea part before...

Missionary Updates

We have recently had letters from Bedline and Innocent and it’s good to maintain that contact with the children we support. We will be sending Christmas cards and gifts shortly to the three children we support. Fredrick and Reeba have sent us a letter detailing...

Get Plugged In

Smartphones are wonderful devices, enabling us to stay in touch with people and to stay connected to the world. They have become for many much more than a portable means of communication; they are our lifeline to information, our connection to friends and family, our...