Growing in gentleness

Gentleness is another virtue that is easily overlooked. Gentleness is quiet, unassuming and tender; we appreciate it when we are injured or ill or needing medical attention, but we are often too impatient to grow in gentleness. Haste, impatience and being...

Cultivating Humility

Apologies for having fallen behind with our Lenten blog posts: travelling to India and a busy schedule so far have meant computer access is limited. Here are our last thoughts… Weeds grow more quickly and easily than flowers and plants, it seems, and in the same...

Showing Kindness

We were once on holiday in Ireland, and our SatNav was resolutely trying to take us the wrong way to the port. Time was passing alarmingly quickly and it looked like we would miss our ferry home because we were lost. As we stopped to consult maps and SatNavs, a lady...