12 Steps To Thankfulness

Tonight, we concluded our Bible study on ’12 Steps To Thankfulness’, making booklets with memory verses in them on the themes we have been studying about God’s character. The last 5 attributes were discussed tonight. God is Faithful God’s goodness, love and...

The Image of God (2)

One of my favourite cartoon strips is Calvin and Hobbes, the story of a little boy called Calvin and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes. Calvin has a very healthy self-image (sometimes he is rather too egocentric, but that is all part of childhood!) Hobbes in this particular...

The Image of God

Dave spoke recently from Gen 1:26-27 about being made in the image of God. Many scientists and educators deny the Biblical account of creation.They claim that man has evolved over millions of years, that modern man is the result of mutation, that modern man is the...

Watering Can or Fire Extinguisher?

I’m no gardener. It’s safe to say every plant given to me as a present has ended up dead at my hands: never deliberately, but I just never seem to get the hang of when to water and how much to water. I’ve killed plants by over-watering them;...