June dates

Don’t forget the cleaning and maintenance day on Saturday 10th June from 10 a.m. There is lots to do, so we need as many people as possible to come along to help! Next Sunday morning (11th June) we are at Cherry Tree Court in the morning (10.30 a.m.) and there...

Where Is The Holy Spirit?

Stephen spoke at the family service, asking us where is the Holy Spirit? Acts 2:1-4 describes, in graphic terms, the formation of the church as the Holy Spirit came upon believers in supernatural ways. This windy, burning sensation couldn’t be cured by Zantac!...

Pentecost Power

On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon the church with what seemed like tongues of fire and with the sound of a violent wind. The result was that the 120 gathered in the Upper Room spoke supernaturally in other languages and witnessed to the glory of God....