An Alarming Day…

Don’t be alarmed! – nothing bad happened today, but we had Day 2 of the fire alarm fitting and the burglar alarm was serviced as well at church! Burglar alarm servicing, with Steve from Kent Alarms: And in the world of fire alarms… Yesterday was all...

Fire Alarm Fitting

This week, we are having a fire alarm fitted. S & G Electrical arrived early this morning: They perused the building, deciding which was the best way to proceed: Then they set to work, installing new emergency lighting in the children’s room and stage area:...

Transgender Issues

Garry continued his ‘Talking Point’ series tonight, looking at transgender issues. Gender is generally understood as ‘the state of being male or female’, and transgender is defined as ‘denoting or relating to a person whose sense of...

Relationships Matter!

I love children’s films. They capture essential truths in simple form and I greatly enjoyed the new Lego Batman movie, released this week, despite not being a great fan of Batman myself (perhaps I identify too readily with this angst-filled vigilante and...