The Strength of Stillness

Yan Hadley spoke last night on the ‘strength of stillness in a stressed society’, looking at Psalm 46. God urges us to ‘be still and know that I am God’ (rather as He told Moses before the parting of the Red Sea to ‘stand still and see...

Judah’s Blessings

Mark continued his series on Joseph this morning, looking again at the blessings Jacob gave to his sons before his death. Gen 49:8-12 looks at Jacob’s prophecy to Judah, and unlike the chastening words he pronounced to Reuben, Simeon and Levi, the words he spoke...

Arts festival

If you’re interested in any aspects of the arts – baking, cake decorating, painting, collage, knitting, crocheting, sculpture, drama, music, video, photography or anything else not listed – you might be interested in this Arts festival at Hope House...


Rabbits love to burrow. They dig holes or tunnels into the ground to create a space suitable for habitation or to create temporary refuge, or (in the case of pets) to escape into the wide, open world…! (This happened to Thumper when he was left in his grass run...