Family Film Night

Nineteen of us gathered last night to watch ‘The Jungle Book’ and enjoy chip butties and cake after the film! Our thanks to Alex at Fishfella’s for supplying the chips and for those who helped throughout the day and evening.

Our pilgrim trail

One of the metaphors for Christians in the Bible is that we are pilgrims ‘on a journey to reach our home’ (‘Children of God’, Phil Wickham). We had pilgrim footprints leading to different places in the church building so that we could find the...

Community Open Day (2)

Meanwhile, in the Worship Room, we had songs and photos reminding us of all that has happened over the past six years, along with visual representations of various Biblical metaphors for the church. We had a bride’s dress, soldier’s uniform and body...

Community Open Day (1)

Despite the poor weather, there was great enjoyment of craft activities at the Community Open Day today. There was a variety of activities on offer: Glass-painting (the jars hold candles to remind us ‘we are the light of the world’) Making key-rings:...

Pitch and Caulking

Eugene Peterson makes the wise comment ‘all the water in the ocean cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside; and all the trouble in the world cannot harm us unless it gains entrance to our hearts.’ (‘Praying With the Psalms’) A wooden ship had...