Dates for the diary

We are now getting back into the swing of routines and are looking forward to God doing extraordinary things this year! There is an expectation that God will move in new ways this year and that we will see people coming to faith and God working in amazing ways. At the...

Messy Creativity

One of the great joys of Christmas is (for me) receiving a new recipe book or some new cooking utensil. My father usually buys me one or the other and it’s great to experiment with new items or new recipes (though I have to confess that the last new recipe I tried did...

A fair exchange?

To celebrate the family service theme, Garry wrote a new song entitled ‘A Fair Exchange is No Robbery’, which looks at the fact that God trades our despair, poverty and burnt-out dreams for His beauty, joy, endless hope and a new song: ‘A fair...

The Heavenly Swapshop

The family service last night looked at the subject of the royal exchange, how God ‘swaps’ so many of His gifts and blessings for our despair and misery. There are many things we swap regularly in life (clothes, music, TV channels, toothbrushes etc.) and...