Pressing On

Dave spoke from Phil 3:7-16 tonight, focussing on the need to press on in God, not being satisfied with all we have experienced so far, but understanding that there is so much more to be explored and experienced in God. God gives us the baptism and gifts of the Holy...

Living Stones

Stephen spoke from 1 Pet 2:4-5 this morning at Cherry Tree Court, commenting on the fact that Jesus is the cornerstone, chosen by God, and we are living stones being built into God’s house. Each one of us has a talent and are able to build in God, from the...


I have spent most of the week without any connection to the Internet, sadly not because I was in some remote but exotic location, but because of unresolved and apparently inexplicable problems with my Internet connection at home. This is an ongoing problem, but also...

The Use of Questions

1 Cor 6:1-11 is peppered with Paul’s questions to the Corinthians, with eight questions asked in eight verses. Questions can be a valuable way of making us look at situations differently, forcing us to think about our attitudes and actions. They are a powerful...

Shame as a motivator

In 1 Cor 6:5, Paul talks about shaming the Corinthians, clearly being astounded at their immaturity and lack of Biblical wisdom. Earlier (1 Cor 4:14), he has written not to shame but to warn them, but now he wants them to be ashamed and to change their ways as a...