A mixed menagerie…

As we studied 1 John 4:1-6 last night, we looked at the sometimes difficult question of how we can be ‘shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.’ In Matt 10:16, Jesus uses a variety of images of animals which seem (in His usual style!) somewhat...

True and false

Last night’s Bible study looked at 1 John 4:1-6, where John gives us further advice on how to discern between what is true and false. Once again, there is an inextricable link between the Spirit of God and the person and work of Jesus Christ, for the test of...

Shining Like Stars

Mark spoke on the topic of ‘Shining Like Stars’ at the September family service. Gen 1:16-17 makes it clear that God made all the stars and we know that He made a vast number of stars, each one different, but each one known by God (Ps 147:4 reminds us that...


Last night’s family service looked at the topic of stars. First of all, we had a quiz about the stars in the sky… Our scientific knowledge was indeed tested! Then we had a quiz about celebrities. (If you’re interested, the answer to the first of...

Where Do We Stand?

Stephen spoke this morning from Romans 5:1-2, reminding us that God’s Word is food to our souls and needs to be digested: Just as condensed milk has all the goodness of milk for us, so too God’s Word feeds us with all the goodness we need to grow in God:...