Snow hope?

Snow finally arrived in Goldthorpe this week, and led to the prayer meeting on Thursday being cancelled. This morning, however, there were willing workers clearing the driveway so that the coffee morning could go ahead as usual: It didn’t stop us carrying on...


As a church, we have set aside this first month of 2013 to pray and fast. We want to hear what God has to say to us and we want to know His direction and guidance. We want to rise up and do His will.On Sunday, we sang a song that was very popular in the 1980s:...

The Journey

Stephen preached last night from Luke 9:1-6, looking at the disciples’ commission and the challenges of following Jesus. As a child, Stephen always loved the adventures of Paddington Bear. Paddington was always ready for adventure! When planning holidays, there...


Garry continued his series on 2 Pet 1:3-9 this morning, looking at adding self-control to our goodness and knowledge. Self-control (translated as ‘temperance’ in the KJV) is having power or force or strength over one’s self. Temperance reminded Garry...

Prayer walks (2)

Some of you may wonder what exactly we do on a prayer walk. The clue (as Dave so often says!) is in the name: we walk and we pray. But prayer can, of course, take many forms. Mark has written a prayer for us to read out at the end of each street. That asks God to...