Gold Nugget #19: Diversity and unity

Perhaps the most surprising thing to me as I’ve reflected on the church and the importance people have played in my spiritual growth is the sheer diversity of humankind. I’m not simply talking about ethnicity or personality, though I’ve enjoyed learning about...

When my heart is torn asunder

After a long wait (to us), the new Phil Wickham album (‘The Ascension’) finally arrived in our house today! I am always encouraged by songs which focus me on truth that looks beyond the now. I spend a lot of time meditating on 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 TNIV:...

Gold Nugget #17: People matter

This simple truth is so obvious that you may think it’s hardly worth mentioning. But I have struggled over the years to realise just how much God loves people and how important we are to Him.So often, life seems to be made up of ‘to do’ lists. There are so many things...

Gold Nugget #16: Goliath doesn’t always win.

I’ve never been one of the great and mighty, never worked for a multi-national company, never attended a mega-church. I’ve never lived in a huge capital city or felt comfortable in crowds. The big and bustling metropolis and the giant organisations which have slick...