Christian work in schools

One of the prayer pointers for February is for Christian organisations working in schools. There are a whole host of charities who are involved with schools’ work. Perhaps the most well known of these are Scripture Union and Youth for Christ. Both charities...

February prayer (2)

It is hard not to have a vested interest in the prayer focus for February when you are a Christian teacher! The first points Mark has highlighted for prayer are that:1. God will bless and encourage Christian teachers2. Through these teachers, the school will have some...

Never Been Unloved

February is the month of love, with Valentine’s Day being an annual reminder that undying love must be declared! The origins of this day are unclear. One legend has it that the emperor only allowed men of a certain age to marry (since single men could be sent to...


Tonight’s family service looked at the theme of ‘Unloved’. Mark organised a quiz for us to identify unwanted or unloved or obsolete objects: I hope you’re better at guessing what these are than I was!1) Vinyl LP2) Old steam iron3) Broken...

But God

Throughout the month of January, God has been impressing on me that He is the God of hope (Rom 15:13) who can turn even the most desperate situations around. During the prayer walks, ‘discovering’ Hope Avenue (despite walking past it for six years and...