Lessons from the Life of Joshua

Tonight we continued looking at the lessons we learn from the life of Joshua and in particular focussed on the victory God brought about in miraculous ways at Jericho. (Josh 6:1-25) Victory at Jericho, the first town to fall in the Promised Land, demonstrated God’s...

Grim For The Brothers

Garry spoke this morning from Genesis 42:14-24, which narrates the response of Joseph’s brothers when they finally meet Joseph again after so many years and realise who he is. They obviously had regrets about what they had done and had had to learn to live with...

God’s Currency

Everywhere we look, attention is focussed on the economy: soaring energy prices, the cost of living, inflation, interest rates and so on are all headlines hammered into our consciousness on a daily basis. For many, this is a daunting, challenging and frightening time....