Biblical Consistency

Many people feel that the Old Testament and New Testament are completely different. They see a wrathful, vengeful God in the Old Testament, a set of ‘thou shalt nots’ and are put off by the violence seen there. The New Testament, the story of life from the...

Advent – Day 5

On our last day considering the anticipation of Advent, it’s worth remembering that there is a bitter-sweet quality to anticipation: sometimes, the excitement just becomes too much for us! As a child, I used to be so excited about Christmas that by the time Christmas...

Advent – Day 4

What do you do whilst you are anticipating Christmas? Families often adopt their own traditions, particularly at weekends or in the week before Christmas. They might hold a baking session (I vividly remember baking mince pies with my Mum as a child on the weekend...