A Christmas De-Clutter!

I’m always struck by Luke 2:7 when I re-read the Christmas story: ‘She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them.’ No room in a heaving Bethlehem overrun with descendants of David returning to...

Advent – Day 8

For me, devotion is often allied to faithfulness and perseverance. I see it in the Mum who gets up yet again in the night to deal with a crying child, even though she is beyond weary herself. I see it in the Dad who goes out to work in all weathers to provide for his...

Advent – Day 7

Throughout this year, Dearne Churches Together has worked to give out small tokens of kindness and love to our community. At Easter we gave out hearts to the community and care homes, and today we will be giving out stars. These have been made or decorated by people...

Our God Reigns!

‘Our God reigns!’ Handel’s ‘Messiah’ is often performed by choirs at this time of year. ‘Messiah’ is an English-language oratorio composed in 1741, with lyrics from Scripture (compiled by Charles Jennen from the King James...

Advent – Day 6

The ‘D’ of Advent for me stands for ‘Devotion.’ Devotion is a love or loyalty for someone that is usually seen in actions. If you are devoted to someone, you think about them a lot, and this results in actions. A parent who is devoted to a child will seek the child’s...