The Freedom of Constraint

I have always loved writing and find it easy to put pen to paper. When I was still at school, one of the hardest tasks I had to learn was called ‘precis’, learning how to summarise longer passages of writing in relatively few words. I struggled to do this,...

About The Soil

Yan’s sermon tonight, when talking about the Parable of the Sower, reminded me of a poem I wrote ‘about the soil.’ Gardeners’ Question Time gathers experts and amateurs, Asking questions about growth. It’s all about the soil, we’re told. Centuries...

The Radical Cost of Revival (2)

When God moves in revival, our lives are changed. Every true encounter with God leaves us changed. Think of Isaiah, who became a compelling prophet after His vision of God or Peter who became a bold and brave witness. Perhaps the most radical change was in Saul who...