Re-Arranged Priorities

At Beersheba, Isaac’s priorities are changed. His encounter with God (Gen 26:24-25) has a lasting impact on him, as he responds by building an altar there and calling on God’s name. Previously, he has stayed wherever he dug a well, found sufficient water and was...

Opposition & Envy

Isaac discovered that opposition and envy were obstacles to his growth, and even the wells his servants dug which had fresh water did not lead to a trouble-free life: Esek and Sitnah were wells which simply brought fresh disputes with them. (Esek means ‘dispute’ and...

Blocked-Up Wells

In our series ‘The Wells of Salvation’ we looked at four wells Isaac encountered in Genesis 26:12-33. These were Esek, Sitnah, Rehoboth and Beersheba, and each one can teach us something useful for our own spiritual pilgrimage. Isaac is seen here...


There are many TV programmes which look at the topic of restoration (e.g. ‘The Repair Shop’) and in an age of disposable items (cameras, cutlery, plates etc.), it’s interesting to see the trend for restoration growing. Stephen spoke this morning...

Goldthorpe Railway Embankment Grand Opening

It’s so wonderful to be able to report good news about our local community. Today I had the privilege of attending the opening of the Goldthorpe Railway Embankment project, a project that has seen the transformation of the old railway line from an area used...