Reasons for Praise

Throughout the book of Psalms, the summons or call to praise God is generally accompanied by reasons to praise Him. These reasons basically fit into one of two categories: we praise Him for who He is (‘for His surpassing greatness’, as Ps 150:2 indicates) or for what...

A Cacophony of Sound!

A whole variety of musical instruments are mentioned in Ps 150, highlighting again the importance of music in the collective worship of God. The trumpet (or ram’s horn) was associated with the grandest and most solemn events in Israel’s history, such as the giving of...

A Summons To Praise!

Psalm 150, the last of the ‘Hallelujah’ psalms and the last psalm in the whole book, is a summons to praise. Psalm 1 talks of the blessed life and is a summons to obedience; here, at the end of the book of Psalms, we have an exuberant call to praise the Lord with an...

The Backstage Perspective

During the recent visit of 4FrontTheatre, the world of the theatre was opened up to me in new ways. As a travelling theatre company, this group has to take its own props with them, and essentially has to create its own stage from scratch, never being quite sure...