Gay Marriage (2)

The Biblical view of marriage is given in Gen 2:18-25 and is reinforced by Jesus (Matt 19:3-4, Mk 10:2-9). Marriage is between a man and a woman. There are obvious problems with the notion of homosexual marriage, the first being that homosexual practice is not...

Gay Marriage (1)

Garry continued his ‘Talking Point’ series tonight, looking at the subject of gay marriage. Homosexuality is a ‘hot potato’ in Christian circules and it is important to stress that we are all sinners saved by grace and that God loves everyone....

Not Servants, But Friends

Dave spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court from John 15:9-17, reminding us of the amazing truth that we are chosen by God – not simply to be His servants, but also to be His friends. It’s very easy for us not to feel special or valuable, simply because...