Not just a ‘silent night’…

Dave preached this morning from Luke 1:5-22, 57-66, on the story about the birth of John (getting us ready for Christmas, five weeks today!) Zechariah was a priest, a descendant of Levi and had been chosen by lot to offer incense at the daily sacrifices, a...

Different kinds of service

Worship is what we do with our lives, not something which is restricted to a few hours in a church building. Paul, in Romans 12, has urged us to offer our whole lives to God in worship and has shown us that our thinking needs to be transformed too. In Romans 12;3-8,...

Divine protection

Dave preached from John 17:9-21 last night, looking at the High Priestly prayer of Jesus. He reminded us that we are all engaged in spiritual warfare and that we have an enemy who is like a roaring lion (1 Pet 5:8-9). Nonetheless, we should not be afraid, for God has...