His vision is Our Vision

Recent sermons have looked at parts of Jesus’s body, including His eyes, hands and heart. Just this week I came across a statement (for a travel company) that made me pause. In the ‘About Us’ section of the company (http://www.fusiontravel.co.uk), it...

The Heart of Jesus

We’ve recently looked at the face and hands of Jesus; last night, Dave preached on the heart of Jesus, looking at the feeding of the five thousand in Matt 14:13-21.Jesus, at this point in His ministry, wanted to be alone. He had just learnt of the death of His...

Theology in Song

This is What We Believe (Aaron Shust)You are the Christ (Matt 16:16), Anointed One (Acts 4:27),Light of the world (John 8:12), God’s only Son (John 3:16),In the beginning was the Word (John 1:1)Emmanuel has come to live with us (Matthew 1:23)Truly this man is the Son,...

Sound doctrine

What we believe is crucially important to how we live. To a very large extent, what we believe actually shapes how we live. We are not always conscious of our beliefs: sometimes, they are ingrained in us and are at a subconscious level. But for Christians, it’s...

Romans 10

Bible studies resumed this week, looking at Romans 10:1-13.Paul continues with his heartfelt desire and prayer that the Israelites should be saved. Despite being known as the apostle to the Gentiles and being called to serve God overseas, he still has a heart for his...