The father of all who believe

This week in the Bible study on Romans, we looked at Romans 4, which talks a lot about Abraham, the ‘father of all who believe’ (Rom 4:11). Here, Paul develops his argument that righteousness is credited to us, as it was to Abraham, through faith rather...

The Father’s Love Letter

Stephen showed a powerful video about the Father’s love for us, the text of which is reproduced below. May we meditate on His amazing love and understand more of this love as we consider true love throughout this month and beyond.My Child,You may not know me,...

The Father’s Love

February is the month when Valentine’s Day is celebrated, but Christians have far more to celebrate than romantic love on its own.Nonetheless, with ‘love’ the theme of the family service last night, we had a lot of fun with games and songs.Mark...

The cross of Christ

There are days when we see how God orchestrates our meetings together, days when different people, without directly conferring or communicating, so obviously hear the same things from God that there is a wonderful sense of continuity. This morning was one of those...


I love mountains. Below is a picture of the Mer de Glace in Chamonix, part of the Mont Blanc range of mountains.Mark preached from Hebrews 12 on Sunday night, looking at the differences between Mount Sinai (where Moses received the Ten Commandments) and Mount Zion, a...