When The Tears Fall

This morning, we looked at John 11, the famous passage dealing with the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead. As we worked through the story, looking at the different characters and their responses, we saw that there are times when Jesus does not appear to do what we...

Romans 1

This week’s Bible study looked at the first part of Romans 1. In the introduction, Paul introduces himself and writes about the dual lineage of Jesus Christ, who is both a ‘descendant of David’ and ‘Son of God’. In discussing verse 4, we...


On Remembrance Sunday, it is perhaps inevitable that our thoughts turn to war and peace. Stephen spoke from Micah 4:1-5 about the peace God ultimately promises us, that day of the Lord when ‘nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for...

The New Covenant

Dave began today’s sermon by reminiscing on the joys (or otherwise) of Virol and cod-liver oil:For those of you who are too young to remember these food supplements, Virol was a malt-based, thick, toffee-like substance packed with vitamins and guaranteed to do...